Unlike cars, computers don’t have a speeding limit! So, there’s really no reason to tolerate a computer system that is stealing your precious time with its slowness, after all, we don’t want to wait all day for the wheel to spin on your online casino roulette game! But of course, as in every roulette game, there is a strategy to follow for your computer, too.
Since technology is constantly moving forward, the progress can be difficult to keep up with. Sometimes you will need to upgrade, adding more RAM; sometimes – in extreme cases – you will need a new PC altogether. Still, most of the time it’s possible to improve the computer’s performance with several simple steps.
First, take out the trash. Yes, that means that simply emptying your computer’s Recycle Bin will improve the speed of your computer. After all, all those unnecessary files were taking up precious space on your hard disk!
In the similar fashion, you should delete the content saved by your Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc). In the Tools of your Internet browser, choose Options and find the option that lets you Delete Cookies, then files and finally all offline content. (Details may vary depending on the type of browser.)
Now, for something more complicated. Go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and finally Disk Cleanup. This function will give you the list of files that you can choose to delete, clearing up even more space.
Next step is a Disk Defragmentation. This can take a while (often 2-3 hours in my experience), so keep in mind that you should start the defragmentation when you can leave the computer and do other things until the process is finished. To do this, go to Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and finally – Disk Defragmenter. First, click Analyse – this will determine whether you need to proceed with the process or not. In case you do, start the defragmentation of a chosen disk volume.
Another thing that can obstruct your computer’s functionality is spyware. It is highly recommendable that you regularly run anti-spyware checks with security programs of your choice. For the highest level of safety, use more than one anti-spyware program.
Finally, run an anti-virus program. If you don’t have one already installed, you should get one as soon as possible! Luckily, several good anti-virus tools are available for free – thanks to this, you can easily obtain one right away.
Keep your computer in check with this simple steps and you’ll be rewarded with a better, faster and safer performance!
If you want to play online casino from your computer, now is time to clean and speed up your computer.…